Press about the Bleu Horses

News Coverage

Sculptor Dolan has found his niche in steel, Great Falls Tribune

Jim Dolan's Bleu Horses, Distinctly Montana

Thieves rustle 3 steel horses from Montana hill, Distinctly Montana

TV Broadcast, KBZK

Sculptor installs his biggest project on hillside near Three Forks, Three Forks Herald

The Horse Theft

Three of the Bleu Horses were stolen

On December 16, 2013 Jim Dolan arrived at the Bleu Horses for a photo shoot for the Montana State University Mountains and Minds magazine. He discovered that three of the horses had been taken from the herd sometime in the previous few days.

The Broadwater Sheriff’s department responded to the theft and the Three Forks and Townsend communities rallied together against the theft of their sculptures. The theft was covered by local newspapers and television stations. It was also picked up nationally in the AP as well as appearing in a New York Times blog. The Montana community across social media responded to the theft by sharing the post about the stolen sculptures (see image to the right) over 5,200 times in the first 24 hours after the theft.

The stolen horses were quickly found abandoned in a field near Townsend and were returned to Jim’s art studio for repairs the following day. The local community was so protective over the sculptures after the theft, that while returning the horses to Jim’s shop the Broadwater Sheriff's department received three phone calls reporting the horses on the move and one individual followed Jim the twenty miles between Three Forks and his studio. The horses received only minor damage and have been returned to their herd.